Words of Inspiration and Modivation


  1. Thank you so much for the kind words. I have enjoyed learning from you the last eight weeks. I encourage you to stay in touch so we can continue this collaborative community. Good luck on your work in the early childhood field. The children and families are luck to have you.

  2. Hi Lynnette-
    I continue to be super impressed with your creativity and acknowledgement of important components which enhanced our community of learning during this course. I hope to see you in other classes, though I know we are all almost done at this point. I learned so much from you about special education, leadership and inclusion. Thank you for sharing your perspectives, insights, and hopes. Good luck!

  3. My can of paint to you says, "Because of your generosity, vulnerability, and compassion in sharing your thoughts, vision, and experiences, I have grown professionally and personally. You have educated me on special education and inclusion, and have inspired me to face every endeavor with my full energy, just as you have in this class. You, Lynnette, are creative, inspiring... and important. Thank you for being You. (and your color of paint is purple :) :) )


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