The Political Will to Improve Early Childhood Systems

Birth through Eight State Policy Framework. (2015). Retrieved from
CEC. (2017, May 8) [pdf]. Retrieved from
Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC). (n.d.). Retrieved from
NAEYC. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Lynnette-
    I continue to be impressed with the way you present your wealth of information and insights into the world of special education within early childhood systems. I find your strategies very inspiring and commend you for having such focused determination to make your presents and your passion known to influential fellow advocates in your home state and county. I also wrote about the power of collaboration and standing united for the rights not only for inclusion for children and families, but also for those who serve them. The energy, monies and time it takes to advocate for some of the most basic rights of professionals need to be a priority for policy-makers. Great post.


  2. Hi Lynnette!
    I was going to comment on your final sentence about "uniting as one voice" because the strategy I highlighted was collaboration as well- and now I see Vanessa did too! I guess all three of us are seeing the power of collaboration, uniting, relationships... Especially when it comes to creating policies and help for families. We can all live differently, with different ideas and goals, but it's the support and togetherness to defend each other's rights that is so uplifting.

    Thank you, yet again, for another beautiful post.


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