Quality Programs for All Children


  1. Your post makes me want to go out there and take on the world. As early childhood professionals, we understand the importance of early childhood programs but we need everyone to understand that. I like your idea of sharing personal stories because I believe that is what people need to hear they need to understand how it is effecting people. Also getting families to advocate for themselves is important. Thank you for your post. Let's go save the world! Or at least make some changes for the better. :)

  2. Hi Lynnette-
    Thank you so much for your detailed hopes for our future. I also believe that we have a responsibility not only to demand positive social change, but to partner with others to achieve it for the betterment of future generations and for this ever-evolving field. I like the hope for more consistency among the states regarding early care and education, especially with regards to such important issues like inclusion and equal access to services. Collaboration with those who have differing opinions about what to do to solve challenges is vital and will hopefully aide in the softening of hearts of those whose decisions effect us all. Great post and thanks again!

  3. Have you ever considered writing speeches? Because all of your posts vibrate with passion and enthusiasm. With a foundation of kindness that can be felt through the computer. I mean this genuinely. Thank you for continually inspiring me. I've been feeling overwhelmed and tired from information overload lately, but reading your words gave me a caffeine bump to the heart :) Yes to no more unqualified, unmotivated caregivers and programs,my son still talks about teachers he's been around that have upset him.And yes to all of us sharing stories. Human experience is so powerful. It creates the empathy we need to shift minds and hearts.


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