Parents, Family and Community Engagement


  1. Hi Lynnette-
    I love how you articulate that hearing and reading about early childhood care and education success stories sheds light on the great work that children, their parents and the professionals that support them do. I agree that sharing the voices of the direct recipients of systems like Head Start are important for advocates and policy makers to hear in order to make the smartest and most effective decisions possible for the continued success of our nation's kiddos. I especially commend your willingness to observe the technological, research-based and quantitative focus our field has a tendency to over emphasize. I agree that we need to pay just as much attention to the voices of those we serve to make what we do each and every day hit home. Great post.

  2. Oh Lynnette,
    Yet again, your words and presentation are so beautiful. I very much concur that stories are the way to creating empathy. I remember how stale everything felt in our Research class, not because of the class itself, but because I was so disheartened and frustrated by certain officials and policy makers demanding numbers and statistics and treating children as "things" and "value"... Then I learned from that class about research based on stories and experiences and I was uplifted. You are in good company!

  3. Community engagement generally focuses on engaging communities or groups of people, not just individuals.
    Community Engagement


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