Communicating Differently


  1. Lynnette,
    Good job on your blog post. I like how you compared yourself to being a chameleon when communicating with different groups of people. I, too, am constantly code-switching depending on my audience. Also, being aware of our own nonverbal behaviors and cues is important, along with self-reflection. If we constantly self-reflect, we are able to think about and manage our own negative thoughts and any self-doubt we may have. I mentioned in my blog post about also not assuming we know how a person is going to react or behave just because we think we may know their culture. We also must not judge or have biased thoughts about cultural diversity, until we fully understand the situation and can comprehend what the other person may be feeling or thinking. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. Lynnette
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I agree with your post. I like when you post changing communication style to fit the needs of those I am speaking with. As an early childhood development, teacher you have to communication style with children. Next you have a different communication style teacher, and parent. Finally, you have a different communication style boss. It is important to have different communication style. I enjoy you post.


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