Real + Ethical + Competent Communication = Kathie Snow Founded through personal experience and an endless pursuit to ensure her son was and is afforded the same life opportunities as every other human-being, Kathie Snow found herself thrust unintentionally into a role of advocate with one message, "Disabilities is natural" (Snow, n.d.). Now, 25 years later, she travels across the nation speaking on behalf of inclusion, facilitates training to support various inclusion initiatives, and welcomes conversations with parents, professionals, and individuals with disability diagnoses. Kathie also inspires thousands through her articles, books, and of course, her website; Disabilities is Natural. What makes Kathie Snow so effective? Kathie is an exemplary example of O'Hair, Wiemann, Mullin, and Teven's (2015) statement, "Effective communicators understand how their communication choices effective others and why others' communication choic...