Welcoming Families From Around the World


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post!! Just from the first few words I was captivated and started to feel all warm and fuzzy as if this child and family were coming to see me! You have such a creative way of making the reader feel as if we were right there. I did not think of converting a newsletter or any publication for that matter, into the families native language. The iTranslate Converse app is a great idea so that teachers can communicate with parents and vice versa. If I could be a kid again, I would want to visit your classroom!!


  2. Hello Lynnette,
    Wow...what a way to run with the communication school-wide to make your new family feel welcome at school. When we can involve our entire classroom and school community the work gets easier. The benefits of providing information in both languages with help to foster a smother transition for this student and their family. Great Work!

  3. Lynnette,
    What an impressive post! You have some wonderful ideas for including your new student from Cyprus. I love your idea of including a translator on the children's school iPads so that they are able to understand their new peer. My students use iPads as well and this is definitely a technique I would adopt. Great job, Lynnette!

  4. Hello Lynnette,
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I agree with your post. I like when you post those only human beings can move despair. Because human and art can fill in when there was no one present to children. I agree because children love being around other children and human.


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