Professional Hopes and Goals

Hope is only the beginning….
What is hope to you, a noun or a verb?  For me, it begins as a noun.  I hope for a world where early childhood educators aspire to stand for social justice and equity by thrusting their fears aside to ensure our youngest learners and families are welcomed in our classrooms, have voices that are heard, and are respected and supported for who they are.  But what about the verb?  Without action, hopes become dreams that fade with time.  No more; I should have or why didn’t I?  Hope starts with me, today, by recognizing the bias and injustice our families and children face every day, every hour and not contributing to it or turning a blind eye but by standing beside my families as an advocate.  Hope also starts with me advocating for myself, for how can a empower others to advocate if I, myself, cannot.  And finally, hope is a reflection.  Imagine if our society had been founded on justice and equity; would children be hunger?  Would families live in poverty?  And would disease exist?  Discrimination, bias, and oppression cannot be allowed to taint the developing minds of our children any longer.  My heart aches for those who have come and gone believing they were less than another.  All the great minds our dominant cultures have devoured.  Everyone child deserves to reach for the stars and touch them in their unique way.

One goal…

I would like to take this time to introduce you to a marvelous video, I believe, not only encapsulates what we have learned this semester but has also become my department's goal for 2018.

Will you join us?

To Dr. Williams and all my colleagues, I say; thank you.  Thank you for accepting for who I am and pushing me to reach beyond my comfort zone through your thought-provoking posts, challenging questions, and inspiring blogs.  Together, we will make a difference.


  1. Hi Lynnette!
    I have consistently enjoyed reading what you have to say in your discussion posts and Blog! I love the way you described your hopes and I couldn't have said it better myself. Hopes are achieved through actions and the only way we can expect changes in these prejudices and biases is if we, as educators take a stand and always voice our concerns regarding diversity. That really is a marvelous video, I will be passing it along. Great job, Lynnette and happy holidays!

    1. Hello Lynnette,
      As we close this class I would like to express my gratitude to you and our classmates. I have learned from your post and have enjoyed them and have developed from them. As professionals we are to move on to the next class and I want to wish you good luck. Keep following your Dreams!
      Melodi Cashio

  2. Hi Lynnette
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I approve with your post. I enjoy take classes with you. We absorb lot about each other through classes.


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