Perspectives on Diversity and Culture


Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and 
        ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Rock, M. (n.d.). Definition of Diversity. Retrieved from                                                                                       


  1. Lynnette,

    Great job and I love your graphics!! The people you asked about culture and diversity all have different answers but the one thing that ties them together is family. Things that we do everyday or do out of habit are sometimes considered tradition or culture for others. Just because our world is changing from the "norm", gays, lesbian, single parents, blended and divorced families should still be recognized. I also love the 17 year olds answer. He pretty much said to stop splitting ourselves from different groups because it causes so much confusion and racial disputes. Smart young man!!

  2. Lynnette
    Good Job with you post. I enjoy how you post about different culture. I love you post. I learn families preferred mainstreaming because they wanted their children interacting with typical peer. I agree with the child about end racial in world.

  3. I truly enjoyed reading your post!! Great research. Love the information you shared.

  4. Hi Lynnette,
    Great Post! Family and together are two key elements in family. getting families together is important and can bring strength to a family culture.
    Melodi Cashio


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